One Way (Inter City) Rentals in USA

It is often possible (but not always) to rent a a car from one location and return the car to another location.  Not all locations participate in this scheme and it is not possible with all car groups. This has to be arranged at the time of reservation.

The actual cost of renting a car on a one way basis is quoted during the booking process as a 'drop off' fee, but is payable locally when you pickup the car.

Extra Cost of One Way Car Rental (Drop off charge)

There is no extra cost when cars are picked up and returned to locations within Florida or within California.   There is also no extra cost for one way rentals between participating Dollar/Thrifty Corporate locations between California, Arizona and Nevada. The one important exception is rentals from San Francisco area where one way fees are applied as shown on quotation pages.

Drop Off Fees for other locations

Distance (See below for example mileages) Alamo Rent A Car Dollar Rent A Car
0 to 200 miles $99 $75
201 to 500 miles $150 $100
501 to 1000 miles $300 $250
Over 1000 miles $750 $500

Exception:  The above drop fees do not apply to Hawaii, please ask for applicable fees.

All one way fees are payable locally when you pickup the car and are subject to change without notice, and local taxes and fees are additional.

Mileage between Major Cities

  Atlanta Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Houston Las Vegas Los Angeles Miami New Orleans New York Phoenix San Francisco Seattle Washington DC
Atlanta   1095 715 805 1437 844 1920 2230 675 499 884 1832 2537 2730 657
Boston 1095   983 1815 1991 1866 2500 3036 1539 1541 213 2664 3179 3043 440
Chicago 715 983   931 1050 1092 1500 2112 1390 947 840 1729 2212 2052 695
Dallas 805 1815 931   801 242 1150 1425 1332 504 1604 1027 1765 2122 1372
Denver 1437 1991 1050 801   1032 885 1174 2094 1305 1780 836 1266 1373 1635
Houston 844 1886 1092 242 1032   1525 1556 1237 365 1675 1158 1958 2348 1443
Las Vegas 1920 2500 1500 1150 885 1525   289* 2640 1805 2486 294* 573* 1188 2568
Los Angeles 2230 3036 2112 1425 1174 1556 289*   2757 1921 2825 398* 403* 1150 2680
Miami 675 1539 1390 1332 2094 1237 2640 2757   892 1328 2359 3097 3389 1101
New Orleans 499 1541 947 504 1305 365 1805 1921 892   1330 1523 2269 2626 1098
New York 884 213 840 1604 1780 1675 2486 2825 1328 1330   2442 3036 2900 229
Phoenix 1832 2664 1729 1027 836 1158 294* 398* 2359 1523 2442   800* 1482 2278
San Francisco 2537 3179 2212 1765 1266 1958 573* 403* 3097 2269 3036 800*   817 2864
Seattle 2730 3043 2052 2122 1373 2348 1188 1150 3389 2626 2900 1482 817   2755
Washington DC 657 440 695 1372 1635 1443 2568   1101 1098 229 2278 2864 2755  

* No One-Way Fee applicable except high season pickups from San Francisco

See our low US car rental rates.

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