First Lead (when defending)

· In NT lead your fourth highest card of your longest suit

In suit contracts the lead is intuitive but some to consider are


Principles when playing the Hand


Make sure that your can get the lead in the hand where you have winners. Do not waste your entries.

Do not automatically lead out your aces - try and use them to cover the opponents Kings

Use honours in short suit before honours in long suit.

If you know the opponents are out of a suit in both hands and still have trumps DO NOT lead that suit (it gives a trump & Discard


In No Trumps

It is probably best to play your longest suit at every opportunity to try and make the last few tricks in that suit

Keep 'stops' in other suits until the end to stop your opponents running away with that suit

In trump contract 

Draw out all you opponents trumps first unless you can use the trumps in dummy for trumping.

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