It can be useful to know the most likely division of the defenders cards and the odds are shown below.  Obviously any bids by the opponents or their approach to playing the hand can give a better indication of their holding.

No of cards defenders have between them Split Chances of such a split
7 4-3 62%
7 5-2 31%
7 6-1 7%
6 4-2 48%
6 3-3 36%
6 5-1 15%
5 3-2 68%
5 4-1 28%
5 5-0 4%
4 3-1 50%
4 2-2 40%
4 4-0 10%
3 2-1 78%
3 3-0 22%
2 1-1 52%
2 2-0 48%

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